Friday, January 31, 2020

Animal System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Animal System - Research Paper Example Their digestive system is composed of the mouth, tongue, gall bladder, pancreas, the four compartment stomach (rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum), salivary glands, the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum), esophagus and the large intestine, which include; cecum, colon, and rectum (Brooker 5). A ruminant animal uses its mouth and tongue to harvest forages and consume feedstuffs during grazing. Cattle pick up feeds during grazing by grasping and gathering the plants with their tongues and pulling them to tear for consumption. On average, cattle take from 25,000 to over 40,000 prehensile bites each day when grazing and harvest forage. Typically, spend over 30 percent of their time grazing, another 30 percent of their time chewing cud, and the rest of their time idling where they are not grazing or chewing cud (Hall 9). The roof of their mouth is a hard dental pad without incisors. The incisors on the lower jaw work against this hard dental pad. The incisors of roughage selectors are wide and have a shovel-shaped crown while those of concentrate selectors are narrower and chisel-shaped. They have the same number of molars and premolars both on the upper and lower jaws. The ruminants use their teeth to crush and grind feeds during chewing and rumination (Hall 9). Saliva helps in moistening the feeds hence making easy when chewing and swallowing. Saliva contains enzymes, which breaks down the starch (salivary amylase) and fat (salivary lipase) and is involved in recycling of nitrogen to the rumen. In the rumen and reticulum, the pH level is reduced by saliva. On average, in a day, a mature cow will produce up to 50 quarts of saliva; this is in relation with the amount of time they spend chewing feeds, which stimulates saliva production. The forage and feed mixes with saliva, which contains bicarbonate, sodium, phosphate, potassium and urea when consumed, to form a bolus. The bolus then moves from the mouth to the reticulum

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Susan B Anthony :: essays research papers

Susan B. Anthony was born February 15, 1820 in Adams Massachusetts to Daniel and Lucy Anthony. Susan was the second born of eight children in a strict Quaker family. Her father, Daniel Anthony, was a stern man, a Quaker abolitionist and cotton manufacturer. He believed in guiding his children, not directing them. He did not allow them to experience the childish amusements of toys, games, and music, which were seen as distractions from the Inner Light. Instead he enforced self-discipline. Susan learned to read and write at the age of three. In 1826, the Anthony’s moved from Massachusetts to Battensville, New York. Where Susan attended a district school, when the teacher refused to teach Susan long division, she was taken out of school and taught in home school set up by her father. A woman teacher, Mary Perkins, ran the school. Perkins offered a new image of womanhood to Susan and her sisters. She was independent, educated, and held a position that had been traditionally been reserved to young men. Susan was sent to a boarding school in Philadelphia. She taught at a female academy boarding school, in up state New York when she was fifteen years old intill she was thirty. After she settled in her family home in Rochester, New York. It was here that she began her first public crusade on behalf of temperance. This was one of the first expressions of feminism in the United States, and it delt with the abuses of woman and children who suffered from alcoholic husbands. In 1849, Susan gave her first public speech for the Daughters of Temperance, and then help found the Woman’s State Temperance Society of New York. It was one of the first organizations of its time. In 1851 she went to Syracus to attend a series of antislavery meetings. During this time Susan meet Cady Stanton. They became best friends. Susan joined Stanton and Amelia Bloomer in campaigns for women’s rights. She would often deliver speeches written by Stanton, who was occupied with her young children. In 1854, She devoted herself to the antislavery movement serving from 1856 to the outbreak of the civil war, 1861. Here, she served as an agent for the American Antislavery Society. After, She worked with Stanton and published the New York liberal weekly, â€Å"The Revolution† (1868-1870) which called for equal pay for women. In 1872, Susan demanded that women be given the same civil and political rights that had been extended to black men under the 14th and 15th amendments.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Media and A Doll’s House

Nora and Media are very different and also similar. Both Nora and Media are in powerless marriages. They both end up with the power at the end of the play. Nora leaves her husband but Jason leaves Media. Media handles this situation differently than Nora. Media uses that fact that she is a woman and her weakness to her advantage. Media is much more manipulative than Nora; however Nora lies so more than Media. Nora must be a different person around Torvald. Mrs. Linde, Dr. Rank and Krogstad are the only people that she can be the person who she really is. Media also had to pretend who she really was. Media pretends that she doesn’t have magic and that she is Greek until she acts out her revenge. Media has magical powers and Nora is an average middle class wife. Although they both are mothers, Nora loves her children more than Media loves her children. Nora loves her children so much that she would die for them. She is concerned about how her choices and how they will affect her children. Media cares more about her revenge on Jason than her children, which is why she killed them at the end of the play. Nora is looking for sympathy, but when Media gets sympathy she yells and says that it makes her sick. The titles of the plays have different meanings as well. The title of â€Å"A Doll’s House† represents a theme throughout the play and is important in the last scene of the play. The title â€Å"Media† is like most romantics where the main character is the title of the play. The play â€Å"Media† was radical just like â€Å"A Doll’s House†. Both plays said things that the audience would be offended by. In media it was that she was a foreigner who manipulated their king and killed him. In â€Å"A Doll’s House† it shows the life of an average middle class family and it uses language that was not used in plays. The writing in the two plays is different. â€Å"Media† is like an epic; it talks about far off lands, there are long monologues, magic, and the language is poetic. â€Å"A Doll’s House† is a realistic play. The situations are real and they happen to real people. Also the characters are real. The language is different too. In â€Å"A Doll’s House† the characters speak in sentence fragments and incomplete sentences. The characters in â€Å"A Doll’s House† portray average middle class people even though they might be radical. Even though the plays are quite different they are rather similar as well.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Obesity A Global Problem - 3403 Words

Approximately 1.6 billion adults over the age of 15 were obese in 2005. At least 20 million children under the age of 5 years are overweight. Obesity of children in the United States has recently skyrocketed in the last decade. Obesity and weight gain have become a global problem, according to the World Health Organization. Encouraging children to maintain a healthy diet and fitness routine will help prevent obesity now and later on in life (Department of Health). The definition of obesity is having an excessive amount of body fat, according to and is not a subjective measure. A measure called the Body Mass Index, or BMI, which is a height to weight ratio, determines if a person is obese, states Medlineplus. In addition to†¦show more content†¦Overweight or obese children are at high risk of becoming overweight adolescents and adults. This places children at risk of developing chronic diseases such as, heart disease and diabetes later in life. Obese children a re also more prone to develop stress, sadness, and low self-esteem (Kids Health From Nemours). Recently, obesity in children of the United States has increased dramatically in the past years. Approximately 10 % of 4 and 5 year old children are either obese or overweight, double that of 20 ago. This increases more as children begin to get older. For ages 6 to 11, at least one in five children are overweight. Over the last two decades that number has increased by more than 50 % and continues to double (Department of Health). Children are at risk for numerous types of things, but the more seen diseases are: high cholesterol, hypertension, early heart disease, diabetes, bone problems, and skin conditions such as acne. High cholesterol is a high risk factor for coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. As blood cholesterol rises from all the sodium in foods this increases the risk of these diseases. Coronary heart disease is a major risk to anyones life. If a person has diabete s and high blood pressure on top of that, then that person is at high risk for death. When too much LDL cholesterol circulates throughout the bloodstream, this can slowly build up the inner walls of