Saturday, August 31, 2019
Teacher who changed my life
Teacher Life is unexpected experience, so full of surprises that nobody knows what will happen the very next moment, especially when you meet a person who has the ability to change your life in complete way. Most of us have met a teacher during our lifetime in school that made a difference and touched our lives in some way to make it better and to open our eyes for success. I remember when the first day of high school started. I was very nervous and stressed, scared to the point that I didn't want to be at the school.I had six classes that I had to attend that day. At the end of the afternoon, I walked in my last class and it was Social Studies. I usually don't like this subject but the teacher started to change the way I thought about social studies. Her name was Mrs.. Jennifer Smith she impressed me the way she was confident, and she told us about her story from high school to college and the success that she gained over the years of studying also the fears that she had. The bell r ang, and the class is over. I stayed after class to talk to her about how I feel and how stressed I was about school.She was very nice and she welcomed me. She said ââ¬Å"I'm here for you anytime ââ¬Å". I introduced myself to her , and I told her how lonely I felt being in school and that I had no one to talk to which make me feel really awkward, plus that wasn't everything I was afraid of. I was worried about my classes too because they seemed a little hard. We talked for about an hour. She was a very good listener. She gave me a lot of advice that I needed at that time, and she told me to come to her whenever I feel like I need someone to talk to. I came back home really happy and confident.Everything I felt earlier had disappeared. My homework was perfectly done, and I was excited to start my next day of high school and meet Mrs.. Jennifer again. Years of high school was about to be over. Mrs.. Jennifer walked me to senior year even though I had one class with her. Through tho se three years she taught me a lot of stuff. She made from me a man for life, she opened my eyes for a bright future, and made me feel so special, but that wasn't everything. When senior year started, I were in need of help and I went to her.I wasn't sure if I'm going right after I graduate from high school I will go right after to college and I really wanted to know if I did the right thing or not. She gave me the best words that actually convinced me to decide what I should do after graduation. She said ââ¬Å"through the years that I knew you, I have always seen you as a successful guy that has good head on his shoulders, I want you to go to college and prove to yourself and to me and everybody that you will never fail or take a step backâ⬠Mrs..Jennifer has changed my whole life, because of everything she did for me and that I actually listened to her advice. She played the part where I choose to attend college and look forward to be successful as I made a promise with her. Mrs.. Jennifer wasn't Just a teacher for me, but she was like a mother who really cares about her son, and she wanted to see me in a good place all he time where I can find the happiness and Joy in my life. That's how I see her in my eyes.Maybe that could be Just a little about how I feel about her because she is indescribable person to me. I will never forget the experience that I had with her and what she taught me through high school years. Sometimes people appear in our lives suddenly, and they flip it upside down. They change us for better ones, and that's what Mrs.. Jennifer did for my life. I couldn't be more thankful than any day in my life for having her. She shaped my life in Just a way that should be shaped.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Persuasive essay on school uniforms Essay
Nearly all students do not support school uniforms; however they do not know the benefits in wearing them. Believe it or not, there are a lot more pros than cons when it comes to wearing school uniforms. First off, school uniforms will develop a better teaching and learning environment. They will also save families a good deal of money. And lastly, school uniforms will eliminate a lot of bulling and labeling. A school would be a better place, for teachers and students, if school uniforms were required. The most important benefit of school uniforms is the atmosphere it would create. With school uniforms kids couldnââ¬â¢t wear anything outrageous or abstract. This would limit distractions in the classroom, producing a better teaching and learning zone. Also, school uniforms would make for a better student teacher relationship because everyone would be looked at as an equal. Another distraction uniforms could remove is the problem with females wearing reveling clothing. Lastly, a majority of students can take up thirty minutes picking out there clothes for the next day. If uniforms were mandatory that time could be used to do school work or get a better night sleep for the following day. Read more: Should there be school uniforms essay Families would save an unbelievable amount of money from school uniforms. Students wouldnââ¬â¢t have to worry about buying the newest, hippest clothes which cost a fortune. That would save families hundreds of dollars. Sure, kids would still need clothes other than their uniform, but not as many. Families would also be more time efficient with uniforms. One example of this would be a smaller laundry load. In addition, you wouldnââ¬â¢t need to worry about rushing to get something washed for the next day because you already know what you will be wearing. Bulling and labeling would be cut down if school uniforms were accepted by a school system. If uniforms were mandatory everyone would be equal and no biases could be set by someoneââ¬â¢s apparel. Like wise, students couldnââ¬â¢t label someone as a scrub or high maintenance. When someone gets picked on, it is most likely because they are wearing something that is ââ¬Å"not inâ⬠or because they are dressed ââ¬Å"differentâ⬠. If school uniforms were worn this would be a non-issue. Lastly, you couldnââ¬â¢t be labeled regarding your personalà interests. For example, if you were wearing a bandââ¬â¢s tee-shirt or a preppy clothing line. If this wasnââ¬â¢t and concern everyone would be open to each other and groups wouldnââ¬â¢t be made based on what you are wearing. The only reason Student do not wish to wear uniforms is because they only care about looking good. However, they donââ¬â¢t know they can till look good in a school uniforms. Also, much more students would be open to school uniforms if they knew all the success they would get from them. Student and staff would have a much better school year if school uniforms were worn.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Affordable Care Act immigrants Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Affordable Care Act immigrants - Research Paper Example In the past decades, many Americans remained uninsured due to the expensive nature of insurance, and largely due to the poor and unfair code of conduct of many insurance companies. For example, the insurance companies could withdraw or rescind a personââ¬â¢s coverage just because they are suffering from heart diseases, diabetes or other long term chronic illnesses (Fernandez-Kelly and Portes 54). The companies also discriminated against the children, denying a majority of them the coverage they were warranted. Young unemployed adults also had a rough time as the companies sidelined them and denied them insurance. However, the Affordable Care Act has made things better and more affordable for people (Dolgin and Dieterich 46). It is a chance to fix the trust that was earlier broken as the terms of the ACA demand better services and programs from the insurance companies. Not only has it reduced the costs of insurance charged by the companies but has also reduced the much discrimination that the companies practiced earlier. Important to note is that ACA is a combination of two legislations, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (signed in 2010) (Le-May 24). With this combination, the ACA serves to increase and expand the Medicaid coverage to the many low income earners in America, and greatly improving the Childrenââ¬â¢sââ¬â¢ Health Insurance Program. Therefore, in a summarized way, the ACA legislation seeks to expand Medicaid coverage to all Americans, give a chance for people to enjoy a variety and choose from diverse services, promote quality healthcare for all people and lastly, ensure that insurance companies remain accountable to thei r customers, conducting their businesses in a transparent and fair manner (Le-May 40; Bustamante, 320). However, the number of people who are uninsured
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Power of the President Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Power of the President - Assignment Example It changed the way people interacted with their leader and continues to do so to this day. 2. Following the devastation of the Second World War, much of the global economy lay in total ruin. Old orders, ways of thinking, and systems had vanished into rubble and smoke. Many people lived lives of total despair. However, there were a number of brave men and women who decided to look at this crisis as an opportunity and to fashion something new out of the mess. The most important change to make involved the world economic system. And so the Bretton Woods regime was founded on July 1944, in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, by the delegations of the 44 Allied nations with the intent of creating a new financial and economic order, due to the shift of power occurred as a result of the Second World War. The Bretton Woods regime was a result of the events which affected the world economy and political system, starting from the great Depression to the rise of Nationalist dictatorships and finally the Second World War; its declared objective was to ensure prosperity to al l nations, so conflict would never occur again. This foreign policy achievement gave the President of the United States a great deal of power over the world
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Labor Supply and China Economics Term Paper
The Labor Supply and China Economics - Term Paper Example This paper will discuss labor supply in China. It will highlight the concept of wages and employment in the Chinese economy and the outcomes of human resource development. Discussion Wages and Employment in the Chinese Economy The economic transitions that China has experienced in recent years are characterized by the adjustment of wage and employment by private enterprises in order to maximize profits. The government controls the wages and employment of the enterprises that are owned by the state. This is in an attempt to improve the quality of the income for the workers and to curb inflation. The government achieves this through setting a wage ceiling for each enterprise. The wages of the enterprises that are better performing are regulated strictly (Chow 53). Despite the strict regulation of the wages and employment for these enterprises in China, the firms have some influence on the wage and employment. The determination of wage and employment is like a bargaining process with th e social security and labor bureau playing a huge role. In the process, the government aims to lower wage and higher employment while the enterprises aim at reaching huge profits (Chow 53). Collective Bargaining and Its Effects on the Wages and Employment Collective bargaining has been used in many economies as a means of regulating wages and employment conditions. This instrument has been used in China to address the issue of decreasing labor supply, which needs immediate attention. It has become the most important source of strategies for the regulation of conditions relating to wages and employment in countries such as China. The coverage of the bargaining agreements is very high in China with the public sector witnessing the coverage of all the wage earners in all jobs. The private sector has a lower coverage of the collective agreements with this coverage varying significantly between various branches and employee categories. The corrective bargaining agreements contain compreh ensive regulations for the relationship of the employment with the inclusion of aspects that are regulated in other countries through the constitution or various statutes. Trade unions are of great importance in the achievement of the collective bargaining agreements as their importance is not limited to the establishment of conditions in the employment and wage sectors but they are also important in application and supervision of law in the firms. Employees are unlikely to realize their contractual rights in the absence of support from the trade unions (Li and Zax 3). In China, the collective bargaining agreements became the main form of regulation for wages and employment in the 20th century with the first agreements offering price lists for various kinds of work. These agreements became more comprehensive later as they encompassed rules that not only included time but also work rules, work time, freedom of association and peace obligations. The collective bargaining agreements we re at first concluded at the local basis, which covered limited enterprises. During this period, the collective bargaining concept had not been integrated into Chinaââ¬â¢s legal system. Henceforth, individuals were not aware of the legal status and effects of such agreements (Ni, Wang and Yao 19). Macroeconomic Outcomes of Human Resource Development
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Women in the Gospel of Luke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Women in the Gospel of Luke - Essay Example The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are actually two halves of one work written by one author, separated in the New Testament for purpose of orderliness. The first half, the Gospel of Luke deals with the story of Jesus up to the resurrection, most probably based on the eye-witness accounts of Mark. The second half, the Act of the Apostles, provides a historical account of church history up to the time of the apostle Paul's journey to Jerusalem. 2 There are many themes to be found in the gospel of Luke. Among them is what is termed "The Gospel of Women" in which Luke shows the importance of women in the story of Jesus which is peculiar to this gospel. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the attitude of Jesus attributed in the Gospel of Luke towards women and whether this was a reflection of the change in attitude towards women as a result of the teachings of Jesus. Women during the time of Jesus lived extremely restricted lives, in accordance with Jewish law and custom. They were little better than slaves, having little or no freedom and were completely subject to the authority of their men folk, first their fathers and later on their husbands. They were prohibited from talking to strangers or to go out in public unless they were double-veiled. They were not allowed to learn Hebrew scripture nor where they allowed to testify in court trials. Their husbands could divorce them at will but this option was not allowed them. 3 In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was portrayed as the savior of all men, not only Jews, as he illustrates in the parable of the Good Samaritan. He shows Jesus as openly accepting of gentiles, whom orthodox Jews considered unclean, praising even a Roman centurion for unflinching faith. Luke further shows Jesus befriending the poor, tax collectors, outcasts and sinners.4 In other words, Luke portrayed Jesus as a man who treated all equally, giving special emphasis to marginalized groups, which in Israel at the time women were particularly marginalized in their community. In more ways than one, Jesus advocated the overthrowing of numerous Jewish traditions and customs, and Luke exemplifies more than the other gospels the radical (at the time) idea that women were equal to men in the eyes of Jesus. The following section will discuss in detail the passages in the Gospel according to Luke which illustrates this attitude. Passages pertaining to women in the Gospel of Luke Hebrew laws forbid the teaching of women in worship, yet Luke (10:38-42) tells the tale of sisters Mary and Martha, whom welcomed Jesus into their house, and Mary sat at the feet of Jesus to hear his teachings. When Martha reprimanded Mary for neglecting her womanly duties, Jesus takes Mary's part and allows her to stay. 5 This is an unusual situation at that time, when Jesus not only allowed, but encouraged Mary to learn his teachings and thus become a disciple. Moreover, Mary's forthrightness in seeking to learn was not how Jewish women were taught to behave, knowing only enough of the Torah to find their place in the community. This explains Martha's distress at what Mary did, but Jesus rebuked her and praised Mary. However, Mary was not the only one to be
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Regulatory Frameworks of the Equity Markets of Australia and the USA Essay
Regulatory Frameworks of the Equity Markets of Australia and the USA - Essay Example The structure of organized exchanges and the trading policies imposed by regulatory bodies continue to influence the turnover of physical shares, price formation of equities and trading costs, while generally exerting pressure on the behavior of market participants and the overall competitiveness of securities markets. This report will discuss the structures and regulatory frameworks of the equity markets of Australia and the United States of America. As a reference point, the major exchanges in both countries will be compared, where the NYSE is used as the benchmark for the exchange activities of ASX and Nasdaq. Also, the report will include a rundown of equity-funding alternatives for a listed US corporation, as required. The equity market of Australia is operated largely by its organized stock exchange, the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Trade of ASX stocks takes place on a fully competitive and automated order-driven trading system, known as the Stock Exchange Automated Trading System (SEATS) (Elvis Jarnecic, June 1999). Trading is facilitated through the placement of a purchase order by a market participant with a broker, either by way of telephone or online through the internet, on regular trading days. In contrast, the New York Stock Exchange or NYSE operates under a hybrid market structure. Kaj Hedvall (CEFA, 2006) defines hybrid markets as a specialists market and the NYSE as an order-driven, floor-based, continuous market with specialists. Also known as an auction market; these specialists converge on the floor of NYSE to facilitate the reporting of bids and asks, execute the trade and maintain order on the floor.Ã NASDAQ, on the other hand, is a quote-driven, dealer market. At present, there are over 500 dealers-also called market-makers, composed of large investment companies, who buys and sells shares of stocks through a personal inventory of NASDAQ-listed stocks to earn a profit from a regulated bid/ask spread.Ã NASDAQ is the largest scree n-based market in the United States. Screen-based means that there is no physical location, but trading is based on computers and other communication mediums (Block, S et al, 2002). Thus, NASDAQ market makers conduct the exchange not through a physical trading floor, but by way of an electronic network. While each security under Nasdaq has an average of 14 market makers competing against each other, only one specialist is designated to every NYSE-listed stock. It can be observed that Australia operates a purely order-driven market while the major exchanges of the USA, conduct trading in a purely quote-driven market for NASDAQ and a cross between the two pure market models, the hybrid market, a structure of the NYSE.Ã The advantage of an order-driven market is the inherent transparency of the system since all buy and sell orders of participants are posted on the market, providing information on which prices investors are willing to buy or sell shares. This is not an attribute of a quote-driven market where only the bid and ask offers of market makers are displayed.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Leadership Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Leadership Assessment - Essay Example However, a leader must emulate a style that is focused at creating conducive working environment that is essential for improving the employeeââ¬â¢s productivity. This paper seeks to assess leadership strategies that the director of Peytons Limited Company, an organization I used to work for. One of the strategies that our director applied which had a positive impact on me was the engaging style of leadership. Managers and employees should fully understand the conditions that exist in their organizations. In this way, it is easy for them to emulate effective strategies as a team to address the conditions (Torbert, 2004). It is through identifying the importance of employees in our organization that the director adopted the engaging style. This entailed meting regularly with the employees especially during the period of low sales or reduced profits in order to understand their concern. In this way, the employeeââ¬â¢s problems were easily addressed leading to a significant level o f employeeââ¬â¢s motivation. The director also applied the democratic style of leadership. This entailed making the employees participate in the decision making process by ensuring that each of the worker had an equal chance of giving a feedback regarding the policies that the director emulated. ... Based on the fact that our organization was not engaged in production of large number of products types, the director introduced a sales department, a customer service department as well as an accounting department for each of the products. Each of department involved a strong team of skilled individuals and by allocating various duties to the teams, the director created a sustainable culture of team work leading to the success of the organization. The decentralization of the company activities is another positive implication of the matrix structure that the director adopted. It is vital to note that by ensuring that the employees have the skills and experience to handle various activities, managers are greatly assisted in their duties thus resulting to a strong team work within an organization (Yukl, 2006). As a sales representative in Peytons Company, I participated in making decision on the matters relating to marketing of our products. Through the various meeting we held with oth er members of the sales teams, my relationship skills in the work place were greatly improved. Despite the wide range of activities that our organization was engaged in, the director used various channels of communication to ensure that each of the employees was aware of the company policies. Additionally, the director was aimed at creating high ethical standards that are in line with the government policies in terms of gender balance during employment as well as creating a strong team that was engaged in conflict resolution. The table below indicates the evaluation of the Peytons Director. Aspect of evaluation Poor Good Average Excellent Remarks Maintaining high level of discipline among employees Motivated employees Gender balance during hiring Motivated employees Solving
Colorectal cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Colorectal cancer - Essay Example The main side effect exhibited in John in the case study is general fatigue, which may be attributed to the fluorouracil administered to him. The relationship between such side effect and fluorouracil can be accounted for by how it works in that its most effective at killing cells that are rapidly dividing (cancerous cells) (Knowles, 2007).Ã Unfortunately it does not know the difference between the cancerous cells and the normal cells and thus normal cells are adversely affected. Although the normal cells will grow back and be healthy in the meantime side effect in which case fatigue occur.Ã The "normal" cells most commonly affected by fluorouracil are the blood cells which account for a drop in hemoglobin levels as can be said of John which dropped to 100 from the normal level of 130-180/liter of blood. Interventions to Manage side effect experienced by John Cancer-related fatigue, defined by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) as a persistent, subjective sense of tiredness related to cancer or cancer treatment that interferes with usual functioning of an individual can be described in terms of perceived energy, mental capacity, and psychological status (Choo, 2008). It arises over a continuum, ranging from tiredness to exhaustion. By contrast however with the tiredness sometimes felt by a healthy individual, cancer-related fatigue is perceived as being of greater magnitude, disproportionate to activity or exertion and not completely relieved by resting, leaving the patient with an overwhelming and sustained sense of exhaustion (Australia, 2009). Fatigue is one of the most prevalent and distressing common side-effect of many of the cancer treatments available for the management of malignant disease as John is currently experiencing. Critical Assessment of Various Interventions There are various interventions that can be used to deal with the same as here below described. Non-pharmacological interventions Education Research has documented the beneficial effects of providing patients with preparatory knowledge, including sensory information, about their disease and treatment. If patients receive valid information about what to expect, they are more likely to develop accurate expectations and are less likely to experience the stress that accompanies unforeseen problems. For example, uninformed patients often interpret fatigue to mean that their cancer treatment is not working or that their disease is progressing. With appropriate educational grounding therefore, patients can prepare for side-effects and adopt management strategies (Council N. H., 2008). Exercise In the management of fatigue, exercise is the intervention with the most supporting evidence of effectiveness. The theory supporting exercise as treatment for fatigue proposes that the combined toxic effects of cancer treatment and a decreased degree of physical activity during treatment cause a reduction in the capacity for physical performance (Australian Govern ment, 2005). When patients must use greater effort and expend more energy to succeed in daily activities, fatigue levels increase. Exercise training leads to a reduction in the loss or even an increase in functional capacity, leading to reduced effort and decreased fatigue. All research work on effectiveness of exercise in managing cancer-related fatigue indicate significantly lower levels of fatigue in individuals who exercised than
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